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the world-cultural-heritage

Das Weltkulturerbe

The World-Cultural-Heritage


IN  2025


Herzlich Willkommen!

Liebe Leser,

um Missverständnissen vorzubeugen, möchte meine Person deutlich darauf hinweisen, dass die obigen Fotos (Silvesternacht in Dubai) ziemlich genau bei Fertigstellung  dieser Homepage im Jahre 2018 ausgewählt wurden, da Papst Benedikt XVI. in der Silvesternacht zum Jahreswechsel in das Jahr 2023 gestorben ist.

Most Welcome!

Dear Readers,

To prevent misunderstandings, my person would like to point out clearly that the above photos (New Year's Eve in Dubai) were selected pretty much at the time of completion of this homepage in 2018, because Pope Benedict XVI died on New Year's Eve at the turn of the year into 2023.


Of course everyone should put his own house in order first!

The fact there are not only losers as in the Third- and Fourth-World, but directly in our families or regions of our own country, may not be overlooked, because, finally, the entire global economic system is an extremely questionable implementation of trade, traffic and banking transactions and always the stronger one can become even stronger and therefore the weaker one compulsory must become weaker and weaker as a result! 

Also the sly one is always favor, and then the simple one then carries off the disadvantage.


Of courrse the situation is different rigorously with the lazy people and the industrious people!

First of all, of course everyone should put his own house in order because even in a capitalist country such as the Federal Republic  of Germany or the United States, too, people can freeze to death as homeless people or can fall ill seriously due to a poor quality of life and they could die, too.

Nevertheless, the lion's share must be invested by the managers of the funds in the current developing countries, at what an investment must always provide a real "profit distribution" for all parties equally!  

Remember: The situation is different rigorously with the lazy people and the industrious people, what can also apply to an entire country and its population!! !


Please let this statement be translated in many languages and be handed over to the corresponding persons. That German-language statement you may find here!